Wednesday 1 August 2012

Dopey Dad #27

"Why is he calling her a Dopey Dad...?" Observations Monthly.

Dad: This book says that the more a girl acts like she hates you, the more she really likes you.
Book:*Unless, of course, she really hates you!
Dad: Hmm...
Hey, you want to go to a-
Mom: No.
Me: Don't even think about it!
Dad: Oh... ... Um... ...
Hurray, I'm Popular!
James' Mom: Aren't you proud of yourself, James?
James: Yeah... I don't think I'll be evil anymore...

*Dun dun dun*
Jenna: I sense a disturbance in the force...
Don't worry, James! I'm coming!
Teacher: But Jenna, we're still in class!
Dad: Out of the darkness, a villain will rise...
Huh?! *finds broccoli in the cookie jar*
Unfortunately, this also means that a hero will rise... and this one's good.
(Broccoli tag says: "Enjoy!" -SvT.)
Me: Up ahead, the young pilot spots her target...

Jenna: Hey, James! I heard you were good again and have come to-!
James: Hey, cookies!
Jenna: I forgot who I was going to change!
Me: Mission accomplished!
Dad: No sweets anywhere! This can only be the work of...
...a teenage girl...

 Guy 1: Alright, so first we destroy the guy's plane, he survives, runs for cover, and then we condemn him to He**?
Guy 2: Yeah... That was pretty mean. We should make it up to him...
And that, kids, is how good songs are created!
(Song writers re-evaluate their songs)
"Merry Christmas in July, Everyone."
(Yeah, it surprised me that the same guys who wrote "Snoopy's Christmas" would resort themselves to condemning a man just because he fought for the other side.)

Newspaper: Teenage girl rides again!
Dad: Someone has got to put a stop to this...
This ought to be a cinch...
Me over radio: *tzzt* Dad... flying a World War One plane was not a cinch...
Dad: Where are you...?
Me: I'm flying at a safe altitude... you're not.

*Dad's plane freezes*
Dad: Curse you, Teenage Daughter!

I must pull up! It's my only hope!
*Is able to land his plane*
Phew! I made it!

*Parachute drops*
What's this?
Note: Dad- Sorry about the cookies. Needed them for another mission. But don't worry, I saved you the last one. -SvT.


Oby said...

You "Dopey Dad" is fantastic! I just showed it to my English teacher and she liked it too. :-) Keep it up, and keep (people) smiling... ;-)

Silvie said...

Thank you, "Oby," and I will. :)