Thursday 6 December 2012

Dopey Dad #30

And now Part 2 of "Dad and the Fairy Hunter":

Nedna (Ned and Edna) is a pairing the Simpsons writers made recently. Which would be fine if it was just for one episode. But since the fans voted for it, they plan on making it permanent. I don't really like this idea. Especially since they've been building up the Edna/Skinner pairing since season eight...

Oh well. At least the fairy hunter made everything right. I guess he's not all bad after all.

That's all for now. Hope you enjoyed it!

Friday 2 November 2012

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Dopey Dad #28


Dad: What? No! It should be right here!
Please, you've got to help me!
Staff Person: What's the occasion?
Dad: My little girl is turning eighteen... Please, sir. I need to find her the perfect birthday present...

Me: (humming)
I'm turning eighteen. Through the years, I've learned a great many things... To think I've finally blossomed into a young woman...
Still, I don't think I'm really ready for this. I've never even had an actual boyfriend...
Though there is one man I'll always turn to for my inspiration.

Me: How I wish you could attend my birthday party...

@dad's: The cards are ready, the invitations sent, the cake baked... Silvie is going to love this!
Is everybody ready?!
Everyone: (stares blankly)
Dad: Great! But since our guest of honour isn't here yet...
I will entertain you!

 *Surprisingly catchy music*

*Knock knock*

 Girl: -And then I was like: "No way am I not coming to your party! It's not like that one year I forgot to give you a present or invite you to my party meant anything!"

Girl 2: Excuse me, who invited her to the party?!

"Me? Who invited you?!"
"And why shouldn't I be invited?!"
"What I'm wondering is who invited them?!"
"Why I outta..."

(Cake gets thrown)

Other kids: Ooooooooooooo...

(Sound familiar? Happens all the time at my school...

Except usually no one throws any cake.)

Random Kid: Cake fiiight...!
Ninos: Yep, I knew it.
Ayla: Cake a la mode?

Dad: May I have your attention, plea-
*flying cake hits him square in the face*


(I've just arrived to find what's happened...)

Dad: ...And so, you see? I really tried this time and everything still went wrong...
Me: Dad, it's alright. I understand sometimes things get out of control. What matters is that you tried your best... Thank you.

Dad: Silvie... that was the most mature thing you've said to me in a long time...
Speaking of which, I managed to get you what you most wanted for your birthday.

(I go outside, find my new gift and fly off with it.)

Dad: My little girl's all grown up...

Monday 6 August 2012

Newest Comic Coming Soon!

For those of you wondering about my most recent comic, don't worry. It's almost finished.

Here's a sneak preview for you all:

In the meantime, I'll keep working on it. Stay safe, kids, and do not attempt to jump over your own birthday cake in roller skates. You may be a little disappointed...

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Dopey Dad #27

"Why is he calling her a Dopey Dad...?" Observations Monthly.

Dad: This book says that the more a girl acts like she hates you, the more she really likes you.
Book:*Unless, of course, she really hates you!
Dad: Hmm...
Hey, you want to go to a-
Mom: No.
Me: Don't even think about it!
Dad: Oh... ... Um... ...
Hurray, I'm Popular!
James' Mom: Aren't you proud of yourself, James?
James: Yeah... I don't think I'll be evil anymore...

*Dun dun dun*
Jenna: I sense a disturbance in the force...
Don't worry, James! I'm coming!
Teacher: But Jenna, we're still in class!
Dad: Out of the darkness, a villain will rise...
Huh?! *finds broccoli in the cookie jar*
Unfortunately, this also means that a hero will rise... and this one's good.
(Broccoli tag says: "Enjoy!" -SvT.)
Me: Up ahead, the young pilot spots her target...

Jenna: Hey, James! I heard you were good again and have come to-!
James: Hey, cookies!
Jenna: I forgot who I was going to change!
Me: Mission accomplished!
Dad: No sweets anywhere! This can only be the work of...
...a teenage girl...

 Guy 1: Alright, so first we destroy the guy's plane, he survives, runs for cover, and then we condemn him to He**?
Guy 2: Yeah... That was pretty mean. We should make it up to him...
And that, kids, is how good songs are created!
(Song writers re-evaluate their songs)
"Merry Christmas in July, Everyone."
(Yeah, it surprised me that the same guys who wrote "Snoopy's Christmas" would resort themselves to condemning a man just because he fought for the other side.)

Newspaper: Teenage girl rides again!
Dad: Someone has got to put a stop to this...
This ought to be a cinch...
Me over radio: *tzzt* Dad... flying a World War One plane was not a cinch...
Dad: Where are you...?
Me: I'm flying at a safe altitude... you're not.

*Dad's plane freezes*
Dad: Curse you, Teenage Daughter!

I must pull up! It's my only hope!
*Is able to land his plane*
Phew! I made it!

*Parachute drops*
What's this?
Note: Dad- Sorry about the cookies. Needed them for another mission. But don't worry, I saved you the last one. -SvT.

Monday 30 July 2012

Dopey Dad #26

At the end, what happened was that Dad accidentally mixed up the gifts-he meant to give the golf clubs to Grampa and the naked picture of himself to Mom...

The man in the last panel's saying: "Hey, isn't that the gentleman from the country club?!"

No offense to James' father, whom I'm sure is a good man and not at all abusive...

Oh and we're nearing the end. Stay tuned for Dopey Dad #27 and 28 in August.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Dopey Dad #25

 The book on the floor in the last panel says: "Father knows Zilch."

Book reads: How to Not be Lazy. 
(This was drawn before I found out about James' community service hour work and that he actually won an award for it...)

 The word that was misremembered as linoleum was actually, "horse liniment."

Thursday 26 July 2012

Dopey Dad #24

Dad will never learn, will he?

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Dopey Dad #23

Based on a true story.

Apologies to "Jenna"s everywhere...

Sunday 22 July 2012

Dopey Dad #22

Ah, yes, the infamous holiday one... 

I love it, personally, but be warned. Includes public service announcement towards yaoi (that doesn't reflect my personal beliefs), and an overzealous Christian. 

Otherwise, enjoy!

Santa's monologue may be a bit hard to read. He says: "I know you wanted some presents this year, but you also managed to inadvertently grant everyone else a Merry Christmas! Have some cider now..."
Merry Christmas in July, everyone!