Monday 30 July 2012

Dopey Dad #26

At the end, what happened was that Dad accidentally mixed up the gifts-he meant to give the golf clubs to Grampa and the naked picture of himself to Mom...

The man in the last panel's saying: "Hey, isn't that the gentleman from the country club?!"

No offense to James' father, whom I'm sure is a good man and not at all abusive...

Oh and we're nearing the end. Stay tuned for Dopey Dad #27 and 28 in August.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Dopey Dad #25

 The book on the floor in the last panel says: "Father knows Zilch."

Book reads: How to Not be Lazy. 
(This was drawn before I found out about James' community service hour work and that he actually won an award for it...)

 The word that was misremembered as linoleum was actually, "horse liniment."

Thursday 26 July 2012

Dopey Dad #24

Dad will never learn, will he?

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Dopey Dad #23

Based on a true story.

Apologies to "Jenna"s everywhere...

Sunday 22 July 2012

Dopey Dad #22

Ah, yes, the infamous holiday one... 

I love it, personally, but be warned. Includes public service announcement towards yaoi (that doesn't reflect my personal beliefs), and an overzealous Christian. 

Otherwise, enjoy!

Santa's monologue may be a bit hard to read. He says: "I know you wanted some presents this year, but you also managed to inadvertently grant everyone else a Merry Christmas! Have some cider now..."
Merry Christmas in July, everyone!

Saturday 21 July 2012

Dopey Dad #21

Obviously, a parody of "Total Drama World Tour." 
Poor, poor James...

Thursday 19 July 2012

Dopey Dad #20

Here it is, the big 2-0.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Dopey Dad #19