Monday 31 December 2007

First Time Drawing Silverwing

Here are some pictures that I drew when I was eleven. It was just recently that dad scanned them and let me put them on my blog.






First time drawing an owl, Brutus:


More Coming Soon.

Sunday 6 May 2007

Blog Introduction

Hi! My name is Silvie and I will be posting some of my art here.
My brother might also post some of his art. Here are some things I'm interested in:
Silverwing* (about bats), Guardians of Ga'hoole* (about owls), my cat*, Futurama (about the future), some Disney movies, beanie babies, my bunny*, The Simpsons*, Loonatics Unleashed*, sports (especially swimming! ^^), etc...

If you are a fan of any of the above, you can post your comments and art requests and I'll reply soon. ^^

*The stars mean that I have pictures of those things.

Here are some of my pictures:

From Art Gallery