Wednesday 11 July 2012

Dopey Dad #16

I'm probably going to have to script this one:

Judge: Dopey Dad, you are hereby sentenced on various charges provided by a criminal mastermind. ...Soon, the world will see who and what you truly are!
Meanwhile: "Who is this strange vigilante? ... Stalking the streets ... leaving no crime unjustified!
She is: -The one who busted Dopey Dad!"

My P.O.V. (point of view): I am a young girl, 16 at most, who likes to help out as much as she can and wants to make the world a better-fairer-place.
Me: *pst pst pst*
Policeman: Eh?
After witnessing a scene quite disturbing on the eyes, I saw to it that Dopey Dad be charged with harassment.
Dad's P.O.V.: Hmm... I seem to have been put away by a criminal mastermind.What they want is not yet clear. But I do know one thing... That she does not like me!
Later: (It was me, if not obvious in the first place)
Me: Oh, hey Perry.
Perry: ...?
Me: Oh, not much lately. I caught Dopey Dad committing some crimes...

Store person: Come back here!
Dad: Ha ha ha ha!
(Whether caught shoplifting...)
(Stealing food off people's plates...)
"Quit it."
Fourth panel: *Whack!*
(Yes, he likes to pop balloons. Don't know why...)
Me: Okay, so that last part was a bit exaggerated, but still. So, do you want to go to-
Hairy guy: Not so fast!
Me and Perry: ?!!
Hairy guy: It was I, Naraku Crudsworth, who put your dad up to it!

Naraku: Your dad was merely a pawn in my game... First, I got him high on cough syrup...
Dad: Ha ha! Look at all the pretty colours!
Naraku: Then, I convinced him to do all those nasty things with his weakened will... "Why?" you ask? Because I LOVE thriving on the misery of others! HA HA HA HA HA! Now nothing can stop me from world-
Me: Not so fast! I got that all on my flip cam! *beep*
Naraku: D'oh! Why do we always tell the good guys our plans? It doesn't make any sense!
And so:
Judge/Jury: ...Dopey Dad, you are hereby found innocent!
Dad: Woo Hoo!

Me: I had a wonderful night. Thanks for everything, Perry.
Dad: (suddenly) Da da da! DadadaDAdada...!
Naraku: Curse you, Dad the Barefoot!
Me and Perry: (stunned silence)
Me: So, I'll see you on... Thursday?

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